pdsw-DISCS 2020:

5th International Parallel Data Systems Workshop

Held in conjunction with SC20

November 12, 2020
10:00 am - 6:30 pm (EST)

Program Chair:

Inria, France

Program Vice Chair:

Riken, Japan
General Chair:

Argonne National Laboratory, USA

Nitin Agrawal, ThoughtSpot

Sink or Swim: How Not to Drown in Colossal Streams of Data?


abstract: Data has become a societal utility empowering applications previously unimaginable. Large-scale data gathering and processing lies at the core of fundamental advances in analytics, search, natural language processing, computer vision, and their applications in our day to day lives. But soon, we may have too much data, from sensors, machines, and personal devices, to store, search, and analyze in a timely and cost-effective manner. In this talk I will highlight potential challenges, recent work, and research opportunities, in designing systems to handle this discrepancy between data generation and access.


bio: Nitin Agrawal is a Principal Engineer at ThoughtSpot working on search infrastructure and in-memory databases. His past work experience is broadly in systems, with an emphasis on storage, mobile, and distributed systems, and has received multiple best–paper awards, led to commercial & academic impact, an outstanding patent award, and widespread media attention. He served as the program-committee chair for USENIX FAST ’18, HotStorage '16, and earned his doctorate in Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin - Madison.