3rd Parallel Data Storage Workshopheld in conjunction with
Poster Session Participants
I/O Graphs: Simultaneous Data Transformation and Movement in High Performance Computing
S. McManus, C. Kaur, S. Butala, F. Zheng, J. Lofstead, H. Abbasi, M. Wolf,
K. Schwan, M. Payne,
Georgia Tech
ADIOS: Adaptable, Metadata Rich I/O Methods for Portable High Performance I/O
J. Lofstead, H. Abbasi, M. Wolf, F. Zheng, K. Schwan, S. Klasky, C. Jin, S. Hodson,
Georgia Tech
Queriable File Systems for Metadata Management
Sasha Ames, Maya Gokhale, Carlos Maltzahn, Ethan L. Miller,
Threading Opportunities in High-Performance Flash-Memory Storage
Craig Ulmer, Maya Gokhale, John May,
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Rethinking I/O in High-Performance Computing Environments
Nawab Ali and P. Sadayappan,
The Ohio State University
Fast Recovery Using Optimal and Near-Optimal Parallelism in Data-Intensive Computing
Huijun Zhu, Pengju Shang, Christopher Mitchell, Jun Wang,
University of Central Florida
Large File System Backup, NGF Experience
A. Mokhtarani, M. Andrews, W. Kramer, J. Hick,
Parallel I/O on the Cray XT
Weikuan Yu, Jeffrey Vetter,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Scalable HEC I/O Forwarding Layer
Kamil Iskra, Rob Ross, Sam Lang,
Argonne National Laboratory
Spyglass: Metadata Search for Large-Scale Storage
Andrew Leung, Minglong Shao, Tim Bisson, Shankar Pasupathy, Ethan L. Miller,
UC Santa Cruz
GIGA+: Scalable Directories for Shared File Systems
(or, How to build directories
with trillions of files)
Swapnil V. Patil and Garth A. Gibson,
Carnegie Mellon University
Log-structured Files for Fast Checkpointing
Milo Polte, Jiri Simsa, Wittawat Tantisiriroj, Garth Gibson,
Carnegie Mellon University
Crossing the Chasm: Sneaking a Parallel File System into Hadoop
Wittawat Tantisiriroj, Swapnil Patil, Garth Gibson,
Carnegie Mellon University
Network File System (NFS) in High Performance Networks
Wittawat Tantisiriroj, Garth Gibson,
Carnegie Mellon University
Petascale Data Management: Guided by Measurement
DISC Experiences on the M45 Cluster
Julio López, Garth Gibson, Greg Ganger,
Carnegie Mellon University
Tashi: Open-source Cloud Computing on Big Data
Jim Cipar, Greg Ganger, Garth Gibson, Julio Lopez, Michael Stroucken, Wittawat Tantisiriroj, Dave O’Hallaron, Michael Kozuch, Michael Ryan, Steve Schlosser, Doug Cutting, Jay Kistler, Thomas Kwan,
Carnegie Mellon University, Intel Research Pittsburgh, and Yahoo!
Efficient Data Placement in a Hybrid Storage Architecture
Jiri Simsa, Milo Polte, Garth Gibson,
Carnegie Mellon University